The Employer

Partners program

Get high quality interns to work for you or your project

African American Man in Headset Talking to Camera

About The Program

About the Program

The Employer Partnership Program (EPP), is a platform designed to create mutually beneficial relationships between companies and interns. EPP provides employers the opportunity to provide real-world projects for interns to work on while gaining access to a pool of talented and driven individuals who are eager to gain practical work experience.

Our program is committed to providing the highest quality internship experiences for our interns and partners. We carefully select our interns to ensure they are a good fit for your organization, and we provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the partnership.

Why Become an EP

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Access to Top Talent

Our Internship Experience program attracts top-performing students and recent graduates eager to gain hands-on work experience in their chosen fields. You will have access to a pool of talented and motivated interns from across Africa who are eager to contribute to your organization.

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Cost-Effective Hiring

Hiring interns is a cost-effective way to bring new talent into your organization. As an Employer Partner, you can hire interns without the time and expense of recruiting, screening, and training new employees. This means you can fill skill gaps in your organization without breaking your budget.


Opportunity to shape Future Employees

Becoming an EP provides an opportunity for your company to showcase your commitment to community engagement, talent development, and investing in the next generation of workers. This can help build a positive brand image and attract top talent to your organization.

Get Started

Need Interns?

To Select from our pool of talented interns

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Have a Project?

To have a team of talented interns find solutions to your your pressing issues or set your business up for success






partnersforeducation.lib@gmail .com


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Get in touch

The Partners for Education is registered in the Republic of Liberia as a non-profit organization